Resource Mobilisation

Sustainability remains a pressing challenge for development organizations. Despite their vital roles, many face the risk of collapse when their donors or foreign benefactors withdraw their support. This vulnerability often stems from their struggles to mobilise the necessary resources to sustain their operations.

In Kenya, a substantial portion of development funds is sourced from development partners and individuals. Given that the majority of the government’s resources are directed towards recurrent expenditures, non-governmental resources play a pivotal role in fostering development. However, as the fundraising landscape becomes increasingly competitive, organizations are actively exploring new avenues to diversify their fundraising strategies.

With traditional ‘donor-based’ fundraising sources presenting growing challenges, development organizations are seeking answers to critical questions. Can they pivot towards social enterprise, leverage Diaspora fundraising, forge corporate partnerships, or engage with governments for funding? Is there untapped potential in securing funds locally from community members? What lessons can they draw from the ‘for-profit’ private sector?

These questions present substantial challenges for those tasked with resource mobilisation within organizations. Unfortunately, few options are available to assist them in exploring these diverse alternatives and equipping them with the requisite skills and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly competitive resource mobilisation landscape.

The Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals (KAFP) addresses this pressing need by hosting regional resource mobilisation workshops that attract fundraising professionals from numerous countries worldwide. Throughout the year, we host a variety of events designed to keep fundraising professionals informed about global trends and best practices in the field.

Explore our fundraising menu and stay updated with our events calendar to discover how KAFP can empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in resource mobilisation.