30th East Africa Resource Mobilization Workshop (EARMW)
The Board and Secretariat of the Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals (KAFP) are honoured to welcome you to the 30th East Africa Resource Mobilization Workshop (EARMW), to be held at the PrideInn Paradise Resort & Spa, Mombasa- Kenya from 25th to 29th November 2024.
The workshop theme is, “Transforming Africa’s Resource Mobilisation: Past, Present, and Future”. This year, we will delve deeply into the evolving landscape of resource mobilization, addressing evolving challenges of the day. Participants will explore how to re-engineer Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring that corporate partnerships drive impactful change and much more. This workshop is tailor made for senior fundraising executives in the public and private sectors, public benefit/ not for profit organisations leaders and boards as well as upcoming fundraisers keen to build their career. Here is a snippet of some of the topics we will cover.
- Unlocking Fundraising Potential Through Corporate Psychology
- Crafting Your Story & Communicating it effectively.
- Empowering Change: The Role of Board Leadership in Resource Mobilization
- Exploring the Shift Towards Sustainability as a Primary Focus for Donors.
- Strategies for Identifying and Cultivating Major Donors
- Fundraising for learning institutions by CASE
- Harnessing Nature Finance for Sustainable Resource Mobilization in Africa
We will also have great networking events including the celebrated Fundraisers Dinner. We believe this year’s event will not only afford you great learning opportunities, but also the perfect place for networking with like-minded professionals, sharing experiences, and building relationships that can lead to collaborative opportunities.
Click the following registration link below to register
NOTE: The registration fees only cater for the conference costs. It excludes transport and accommodation costs.
Payment Details:
Mpesa Paybill Business No. 949732 Account No. Participant’s Name
Cheque / Bank Transfer Account Name: Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals
Bank: Consolidated Bank of Kenya Branch: Koinange Street
Ksh. Account No: 10011200000540 USD Account no.10012200000009
Euro Account no. 10015200000002 Swift Code: CONKKENA
Paypal Account: finance.fundraisingkenya@gmail.com
For more info email info@fundraisingkenya.org
Telephone: +254 20 2073962, 3523327,
Office Mobile +254 718 041 665,790 213 130